The Typeface H-and-S:
A street poster in Lausanne, Switzerland
After the launching of our non-verbal hand-signs collection into a typeface in the middle of the year 2006, we are curious to see where our h-and-s
are going to appear. In this case we were happy to see that they are used for a street poster in Lausanne, Switzerland.
The "A" Stamp:
Guiness World Records in Bern, Switzerland
"A" stands for priority mail in Switzerland. One year after JBL redesigned
the "A" stamp, its simple iconographic image became so popular that it
was used by each company and found in each family within the country.
A marketing agency decided to try to beat the Guiness World record by
inviting over 10'000 people to reconstruct this stamp in a stadium.
The "MarktBlatt" Poster :
The recycling of one of our designs
The Poster Marktblatt is one of the first poster created by Jean-Benoit.
With its clear reference to constructivism approaches, its use of both,
the halftone and full surface. 15 years later, an english printing
company in London asks us to reuse the design for their own advertising.